What makes our approach different at First Children?
What is Today’s ABA?
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Our team will work with the individual and their family to understand preferences and aversions whether they are tangible items or social interactions. We listen to how they communicate and what is being communicated through behavior.
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Creating Joy
We make sure that the environment is filled with objects and activities that will allow each child to feel safe and in control. We follow their lead and ensure they know we see them, hear them and are there for them. By creating joy, we empower each individual to reach their greatest potential without feeling coerced.
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We gradually introduce skills while ensuring each child feels empowered. We are teaching them that even though we may not always understand what they are trying to communicate, they do not need to comply against their will nor do they need to engage in challenging or unsafe behavior.
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When our learners are happy, relaxed and engaged and understand they have control, the possibilities are endless. Whether it is child, clinician or parent lead, the individual is learning and teaching us at the same time.
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Maintain Trust
We know that most individuals have had trauma or had experiences of being coerced, misunderstood or ignored. It takes time to restore that trust and maintaining it is a process.
Connection over
At FCS we don't believe in working through a behavior in order to teach a new skill or ignoring a behavior. Behavior is communication. New skills will be learned when your child is connected to the person teaching the skill.